Experience The Magic at Smith Point Holiday Light Show

Erin Hoeler, Contributing Writer

With the holidays quickly approaching, it’s tempting to curl up with a blanket and a cup of hot chocolate; after all, it’s the most wonderful time of the year! Take some time to de-stress and enjoy the views of the festive holiday lights on display at the Smith Point Holiday Light Show hosted by the Girl Scouts of Suffolk County.

Every year, Girl Scouts of Suffolk County team up with staff and volunteers to create a colorful drive-through light show that families of all ages can enjoy.

The show costs $22 if you purchase online or $25 at the entrance. For an additional cost, the site gives the option to buy a mini-bus and recreational vehicle ticket or a school/coach bus ticket. All proceeds collected go towards Girl Scout programs for girls and families across Suffolk County.

Whether you choose to indulge in your own treats or want to purchase some at the event, you can buy a ‘Show Snack Pack’ for $3.00 that includes a water bottle and a pack of Grandma’s chocolate chip cookies to enjoy throughout the show.

“What’s super exciting and unique about our holiday light show is that our Suffolk County Girl Scouts get to enter a contest where they get to create one of the light fixtures for the show, and we really like to choose the scout that comes up with an idea that really represents what Girl Scouts are all about,” said Hanorah Gholam, 31, Manager of Programs.

Guests can drive through the mile and a half trail and enjoy a little bit of magic, with all of the festive lights that create ‘scenes’ throughout the show. These scenes include a castle, Santa in Hawaii, and even the New York City skyline. All of this while staying in your car and close to home.

Since the turn-out was so great last year, they decided to extend the dates in hopes that this year would bring about just as big of a crowd.

“It’s definitely starting to pick up as the weeks are going by,” continued Gholam. “We actually extended the show this year, it was typically right after Thanksgiving, and it would be the weekend of New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day. This year we’re going an extra week until January 9th.”

While this event supports the Girl Scouts of Suffolk County, it is not only designed for that group. Anyone, including friends and family, can go out and be transported into a magical wonderland and take a break from the craziness of everyday life. Pets are also allowed as long as they stay in the vehicle.

“The girls were itching to get back out there, and it gave us more hope, especially during the past two years with Covid,” Gholam continued. For us to have the girls still here and enjoying everything, that’s what’s so special about girl scouts. So right now, we are definitely starting to pick up as the holidays start to come closer to us- it’s great.”