The Ammerman Mental Health and Wellness Center has branched out to its own, expanded location on the first floor of Kreiling Hall as of the start of the spring semester, giving the center extra privacy and closer connections to affiliated services.
The center previously was located on the second floor of the Ammerman Building, where it shared space with the Academic Counseling Center.
According to Julia Kiely, director of Mental Health and Wellness Services, the move was a long time coming and has benefitted the center in several ways.
“Over the years the department grew and the need and demand for mental health services has grown,” she said. “It just made sense for us to move and have a space that was separate and where we could create an environment that is supportive and conducive to a calming, quiet space where students can, even if they are not coming to meet with us, they can come and just have a minute.”
Along with having their own larger, quieter and more confidential space to better serve the students on the Ammerman campus, the move has also been advantageous for the center in that it is now much closer to the Public Safety office, the Veterans Resource Center and the Physical Health Center. All three departments are located separately in Kreiling Hall and work closely with the Mental Health and Wellness Center for the overall mental health and well-being of the Ammerman student body.
“Our mental health is just as important as our physical health, and if students want to perform at their best, they need to be taking care of their mental and emotional well-being,” Kiely said.